How To Store A Cordless Tool Battery When Not Using It?

In How Many Types of Cordless Power Tool Battery? you know the types of the power tool battery. But, do you know how to store the battery when not using it?

First of all, it’s best to keep using the battery regularly. Use your power tool at least once in 20-30 days. However, this is not always possible. Storing the battery the right way is also essential to its health and overall life.

store a power tool battery


When putting away cordless tools for a long time:


Keep Battery Cool and Dry: Put the battery in a cool and dry place and away from dust. Any battery does not like getting over hot. So the key thing to remember when using any cordless power tool, as soon as the battery starts getting warm or hot, put it aside and change out the battery. Remember keep the batteries from getting hot, and you shall be fine.


Put Battery Between -20°C to 45°C : NEVER put your batteries in the refrigerator or the freezer. This can damage them permanently. Technically, NiCd batteries can be stored at a temperature ranging from -20°C to 45°C. But freezing is still not recommended due to the possibility of ice build up. For a Li-Ion battery 15°C is about the ideal storage temperature. But as long as things are not overtly hot, they should be fine.


Store Battery at 30-40% Charge Level: Do not store Li-ion batteries fully charged or dis-charged. Store them at 30-40% charge level. Do the same for Nickel based batteries, though it does not make too much of a difference as they lose their charge fairly quickly anyway. Many manufacturers will recommend that you discharge your Nickel based batteries completely before storage. Follow the manufacturers instruction if your battery comes with them.


Store Battery Properly: Put it in the original plastic case it came in, or in a cushioned bag, or in a box or wrap it in a soft cloth. Be sure to use the plastic cap that came with your battery to keep it from short circuiting and to protect the terminals from breakage or moisture.


Keep Battery Charged: At least once every 3 months, drain the battery, and then recharge it. I also make it a point never to leave a battery on the charger more than the time it’s charged.


Charge Battery Before Use It: Fully charged NiCd batteries lose charge quickly. 20-30% in 24 hours. 10% the day after that and 1% for every day after that. Be ready to charge your NiCd and NiMh batteries after a long period of rest before you can use them again. Li-Ion batteries retain their charge for longer. Specially if they are kept in a cool place.


Okay.  Are these storage methods useful for you?